Hepatitis A transmission is faecal-oral; It can be passed on through contaminated food and water. Transmission can also happen during sex where small particles of faeces may contact hands and mouths during rimming, fingering, anal sex and on sex toys.
Hepatitis B transmission is through unprotected sex and blood to blood contact.
Hepatitis C usually transmits through sharing of injecting drug equipment and blood to blood contact. It can also transmit through unprotected sex, although this is more rare
Incubation period: 8 weeks to 5 months
Symptoms: Mild flu-like symptoms, nausea, diarrhoea, itchy skin, extreme tiredness, stomach pain, jaundice
Testing: Antibody/antigen blood test
Treatment: The body can naturally clear it but it can take several months. One you clear the infection, you’re immune but can get other types of Hepatitis.
Vaccination is available for Hepatitis A and B through GUM clinic or travel clinic