Privacy Policy
Positive East is committed to protecting your privacy. The following statement sets out how we use and protect your personal data that you provide to us. For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 2018 and General data Protection Regulations, the name of the organisation is Positive East, who is also the data controller.
The organisation undertakes a number of activities including;
Social Support inc information and advice and counselling
HIV prevention and testing
Staff and volunteer recruitment
Marketing and fundraising
In order to provide the range of activities, we need to collect personal data from you either for service provision or correspondence.
We may need to pass on personal information to other service providers to provide a service, and this will only be done with your agreement and consent, unless we are legally required to release information. Legal requirements include court orders or where there is a clear safety risk to you or to other parties. In these cases, we will always inform you of this action.
Information collected and stored is used to help provide you with a service or to help us improve our services to you. Where we may need to share your information with a third party to provide a service, this will be done with your consent. Please be aware that if you refuse, then this may affect the service that we may be able to offer to you. There may be a legal requirement to override your consent as identified above. We may also use information to produce reports for our funders. All reports will be anonymised and will not identify any individual.
Information may also be used to keep you up to date with Positive East or provide information on our services. No information is sold to third parties.
The Positive East website may contain links to other websites. These websites should have their own privacy policy and we do not accept any responsibility or liability for those websites or their policies.
We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your data is treated securely and in agreement with this privacy notice and our Data Protection Policy.
Everyone who has access to personal data is bound by our confidentiality agreement and access is by only those who are authorised to view it whilst carrying out their duties as a member of staff or volunteer.
We will endeavour to keep your information as accurate and up to date as possible and will not keep it for longer than is necessary. Certain records may need to be kept for a period of time for legal or insurance purposes and will then be destroyed.
The Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR regulations gives you the right to access information we may hold about you. Should you wish to access information we hold on you, please contact the Data Controller on the contact details below. We will respond with 30 days and no fee will be charged.
If you would like further information or would like to request access to the information we hold on you please contact;
The Data Controller
Positive East
159 Mile End road
London E1 4AQ
Tel: 02077912855
If you are not happy about the way that we have handled your request or if you would like further information around the use of personal information please contact:
Information Commissioners Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Tel: 0303123 1113