Ever wanted to learn more about the queer history of East London? Dan Glass, author of ‘Queer Footprints: A Guide to Uncovering London’s Fierce History’, is here to guide you.
Whitechapel has a treasure chest of stories connecting across communities of class, religion, gender and sexuality. For centuries these communities have defied the knocks on our doors by authorities intent on rooting out public queer life. Don’t let the narrow streets in our pilgrimage give you the wrong impression – the impacts of queer life here are so huge, that they are felt across the world.
Come learn from the Bethnal green Acid Drag Commune, Red Lesbian Brigade, Rainbow Tree and Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club, Muslim LGBT+ Network, East London Suffragettes, Miss Muff’s Molly House, The Battle of Cable Street, Emma Goldman, The Gay Marxist Group, and the Friends of the Joiners Arms.
Places are limited. Please let Nick.Maxwell@positiveeast.org.uk know if you are interested in joining us for this event. If you prefer, you can call Nick on 020 7791 9302. The tour will start and finish at Positive East
Travel expenses can be covered for Positive East clients who have No Recourse to Public Funds or are experiencing a gap in benefits or other income. Please speak with Nick first about eligibility.