Ear Acupuncture sessions are usually available every Wednesday afternoon from 4.30pm to 5.30pm.
Ear acupuncture is a type of acupuncture that involves inserting tiny needles into specific points on the ear. Stimulating these points promotes healing in other areas of the body. Many people living with HIV have found it helpful in dealing with some of the common side effects of medication such as diarrhoea, feeling sick, feeling tired and having disturbed sleep.
Our ear acupuncture sessions are delivered in a relaxed, friendly group setting by Truus Jansen who trained at the City College of Acupuncture in London. These are informal sessions, so you don’t currently need to book, although it’s helpful if you can let us know in advance that you intend to come along as the sessions are becoming very popular.
For more information, or to tell us you’re coming contact mina.kakaiya@positiveeast.org.uk
There’ll be no session on May 22nd as Truus is away.